Thrift Store Zoo Two...Because Mondays need a little funny weirdness
Because it is about 100 degrees out and a Monday, I thought I'd lighten things up by sharing some of the animals I've recently noticed on the thrift store shelves and in one of my favorite antique malls (which is a step up from the thrift store, but not a big step).
I went around a corner and came face-to-face with this guy, who scared the heck out of me and I yelled out a word that started with "F"... but it wasn't "Fox", which is what this once was.
This howling wolf is a relative of the fox, but this guy looks more majestic, and much less rabid, than his cousin.
I spotted this guy and I know he is a beaver, but reminded me of the awesome honey badger, and if you haven't seen the honey badger video on YouTube, let me take this opportunity to direct your attention to it and make your day even better. After you watch this video, you will automatically start calling people who obviously just don't give a sh** a Honey Badger.

I know owls are suppose to look wise, but I think the memo these guys got was more along the lines of angry and disappointed.

Which is the opposite of how this cute little pig looks.
And with all the humidity lately, I can relate to his hairstyle too.
This is the happiest looking bull I've ever seen, and living in the country I've seen a few. If you are not familiar with them, please understand he is a misrepresentation of the general bull population. Do not approach one for cuddles... trampling is much more likely.
Stay cool everyone and have a happy 4th of July!!
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