Goodbye Summer
I know I'm not the only one staring with my mouth open at the calendar saying, "What the...? How is it the second-half of September? Where did summer go?"
When I think back on the last few months, it's mostly a blur with a few clear memories like a long weekend in New Hope for our anniversary, a family reunion, and a day boating on the river.
But my family's schedule precluded anything much longer than a weekend here or there, and no trips to the beach this year.
Luckily, I hardly missed the ocean, since I spotted so much aquatic life on the thrift store shelves (yes, read in sarcasm here, I really wish we'd gotten to the beach!)

When I think back on the last few months, it's mostly a blur with a few clear memories like a long weekend in New Hope for our anniversary, a family reunion, and a day boating on the river.
But my family's schedule precluded anything much longer than a weekend here or there, and no trips to the beach this year.
Luckily, I hardly missed the ocean, since I spotted so much aquatic life on the thrift store shelves (yes, read in sarcasm here, I really wish we'd gotten to the beach!)
But I did get to see lots of dolphins.
Lots and lots of dolphins.
Ah, so life like.
And some sea turtles...I didn't realize they wore hats, must be a rare species.
And this sailor winked at me..and then opened a bottle of wine for me.

Didn't have to go to the zoo either.
I saw Lions...
And Tigers...
And Bears..oh my.
Saw this and wished I hadn't.
And now - in the blink of an eye - its time to see lots of these!
I hope you got to make some fun memories this summer and stuck your toes in the sand,
or wherever your favorite toe-sticking spot may be.
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