Happy Mother's Day from the Thrift Store Shelves
Its a pretty sure bet that at some Mother's Day past (or maybe even future), you have been the giver or recipient of a "Worlds Greatest Mom" award either in figurine or mug form. Many of these well-meaning momentos make their way eventually to the thrift store shelves.
Here are a few Mother's Day greetings I noticed the last few weeks.
I love this mom's neon bouffant, but I am not digging that her accouterments are a bucket and mop!
This lady (maybe?) is just overall the most wonderfullest person in the whole world...so there, hard to beat!
I just feel sorry for whoever got this purple glob sitting on a cheap plastic sign with wilted flowers one Mother's Day past. And that mom probably should have won an academy award if she looked excited when she received this!

This is not a Mother's Day award, but did remind me of a mother who looks tired and really needs an Oktoberfest...bad (possibly reminded me of myself when I had two in diapers).
And damn if she doesn't have a bucket too!
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms, step-moms, grand-moms, aunts, special friends and anyone who supports and nurtures another human being, because that's really what being a mom is all about (and apparently carrying buckets).
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